In the Senior Serpentine Sequence, the skater begins with a RFO3 followed by a LBO double three-turn. The free leg then crosses in front for a RBI. This edge is
followed by three clockwise toe steps and another cross in front RBI. Next the skater will step forward onto a LFO edge and perform a 21⁄2 revolution RFI twizzle, ending with a LBO cross stroke behind three-turn. This turn will initiate a series of quick mohawk turns followed by a quick LBI. Next is a RBI counter into a RFI rocker. The skater steps LBI then a step-wide into RBI rocker, RFI mohawk, LBI bracket sequence. The skater should then simultaneously cross behind and reverse arm position to do RFI bracket into RBO counter, followed by a LFO cross front, RFI cross behind. The final part of the sequence is an open RFI/closed LBO choctaw sequence followed immediately by a RFI counter, then push to LBI double twizzle, and finishes with a RBI loop. The focus is on edge quality and continuous flow.
• Available in Adult XS - L
• 100% polyester